HotSpring Hot Spot - Quality pools with small amenities
The new and visually stunning HotSpring Hot Spot collection! This collection is for you if you want a high-quality and reliable basic pool. In these pools, operating costs also remain very low due to the EnergySmart system and FiberCor insulation! In addition, the Hot Spot collection offers excellent value for money, as the world’s largest outdoor hot tub manufacturer is responsible for the product development, materials and technology of the pools.
Effective hydromassage
HotSpot pools are designed to become a part of your daily life. The pools in the collection offer stress and pressure relief for your entire body, from the neck and shoulders to the entire back, calves and soles of the feet.
Energy efficiency comes as standard
All HotSpot pools come standard with an innovation-award-winning FiberCor insulation material that is 4 times denser than traditional 8 kg / m3 foam. This guarantees you that the heat stays in the pool and the money in your wallet.
Easy water treatment
HotSpot pools are equipped with a higher water filtration capacity than pools of a similar size usually are. This guarantees you clearer pool water as well as easier water maintenance.
Superior and reliable quality, in product and service
No matter which pool you choose, you will have access to the know-how and 40 years of experience of the world’s largest manufacturer. They will be delivered to you in Finland by a company with the longest experience and superior expertise in outdoor hot tubs in Finland.
Design – simply stylish
As a HotSpot pool owner, you get to enjoy the professionalism and expertise of the world’s largest pool manufacturer. The manufacturer has spent time planning the use of the pool to make the use of the pool simple and easy for you. You will enjoy your pool for a long time!